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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2017, 05:04 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 5
Principal Residence definition

Regarding the definition of "Principal Residence," another site stated:

"The operative words are "owned and used." If you are married, the exclusion of gain applies as long as either spouse meets the requirement."
What if a married couple "owns and uses" two houses for 2 years or more? Do they get the capital gains exclusion on the sale of each house?

Or what if one spouse established residence in one house, and the other spouse in the other house? Do they get the exclusion on the sale of each house?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2017, 10:09 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5,258
"The operative words are "owned and used." If you are married, the exclusion of gain applies as long as either spouse meets the requirement."
What if a married couple "owns and uses" two houses for 2 years or more? Do they get the capital gains exclusion on the sale of each house? =========>Then, it sounds like you are not eligible for the $500k exclusion. For the $500K exclusion, You must be able to show that you are married and file a joint return for the year; either you or your spouse meets the ownership test; both you and your spouse meet the use test, and during the 2-year period ending on the date of the sale, neither you or your spouse excluded gain from the sale of another home.so, if either spouse does not satisfy all these requirements, the exclusion is figured separately for each spouse as if you were not married. This means youcan each qualify for up to a $250k exclusion. For this purpose, each spouse is treated as owning the property during the period that either spouse owned the property. For joint owners who are not married, up to $250k of gain is tax free for each qualifying owner.

Or what if one spouse established residence in one house, and the other spouse in the other house? Do they get the exclusion on the sale of each house?==>As mentioned above.

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