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Non-Profit Organisation Non Profit Organisation

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Old 03-13-2016, 12:27 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 1
Smile Starting a Non Profit for Tax benifits

Hi im a California Business owner, last year I donated about 30k to help different people. Eg: Bought sewing machines for a bunch of women in villages, helped a couple people in Africa start business when I went there, went to a few high school in a 3rd world country and bought all the kids school uniforms supplies etc. I have records of all this but as far as I understand non of this is tax deductible because its mostly out of the country. I plan to give more this year. I just bought a refugee family a used car but most of my efforts are outside the country because my dollar goes a lot further in 3rd world countries. My primary focus would be education and business.

My question: Should I start a non profit or foundation if it can help me with deduction of taxes etc? So I can give to non profit from my business and also use small amounts other people have given to me for charity purposes.

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