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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-11-2018, 07:37 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 1
C Corp officer / unemployment question

I am an officer of a C corp in Rhode Island. There is only one other officer on the corporate charter. He has since signed over all of his shares in the business to me, leaving me as the sole shareholder of the corporation. He is leaving the company. My question is he is under the impression he can now apply for Unemployment benefits. On the Rhode Island unemployment claims application there is a question that specifically asks :

In your present or most recent employment, have you been self-employed? If yes, be prepared to answer questions about this position.
In your present or most recent employment, have you been a corporate officer? (President, Vice-President, CEO, CFO, etc.) If yes, be prepared to answer questions about this position.

I would just like to know if he will be allowed to collect or not so that if he files a claim and I receive the paperwork to approve or deny I make the correct choice..do not want to break any laws here.

A response is GREATLY appreciated..

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2018, 02:20 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5,258
In your present or most recent employment, have you been self-employed? If yes, be prepared to answer questions about this position.==> THE leaving officer was NOT self employed; A corporate officer is a person who manages the affairs of a corporation as an officer and/or stockholder or director or as a family member or close relative of an officer or stockholder. Officers of the corporation receiving paychecks for services are under the same federal rules for taxation as other traditional employees. This may allow C corp officers to receive unemployment benefits depending on the manner of officer terminations.

In your present or most recent employment, have you been a corporate officer? (President, Vice-President, CEO, CFO, etc.) If yes, be prepared to answer questions about this position.

I would just like to know if he will be allowed to collect or not so that if he files a claim and I receive the paperwork to approve or deny I make the correct choice..do not want to break any laws here. =====.I gues it depends; you need to contact labor dept of Rhode island for more accurate help.

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