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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2013, 02:36 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 14
Months needed for primary residence

Let's say I have 2 homes in Cali and Nevada. To avoid state income tax, I'll use my NV as primary residence. I'll register everything (car registration, banks, etc) in NV.

How many months out of a year do I have to live in NEvada to have it considered primary residence? And is it state specific or it's the same for all states?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2013, 01:00 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 5,258
Originally Posted by hoangtu69 View Post

#1;Let's say I have 2 homes in Cali and Nevada. To avoid state income tax, I'll use my NV as primary residence. I'll register everything (car registration, banks, etc) in NV.

#2;How many months out of a year do I have to live in NEvada to have it considered primary residence?

#3;And is it state specific or it's the same for all states?
#1;No state income tax in NV;so, if you own property in NV that does not require state taxes, none need be filed for NV. If you do need to file taxes, you will have to file a state tax return for your primary residence and for the property that is your part-year residence.so, you need to file income taxes with property in two different states by first determining which state is your primary residence, or where you live more than part-time. That state is the state for which you will file your primary tax return. As NV is one of the seven states that does not require a state income tax return, then you do not have to worry about filing a state tax return for your primary residence. Your other property in CA will require you to file a part-year resident tax return if CA requires a state tax return.

#2;there is only one home that is your legal residence. This would normally be the home where you spend most of your time, and are registered to vote. This is also where you list as your residence on your federal tax return; a primary residence is considered the dwelling in which you reside on a full-time basis. it is the address you use on your federal Tax Return, where you are registered to vote, state issued driver's license and car is insured.
I guess you need to contact dept of rev of a state for more info indetail.for example,in the case of OR state,for the guideline to Oregon Residence Classification , please visit thr website here; http://www.ous.edu/sites/default/fil...cepolicies.pdf

#3;In general, I guess it is universal for all states; Your primary home is a broad term and not easily defined. If your drivers license has your home address on it that's good. If you are registered to vote and use your home address again that is good. Banking, medical records all should have the new address on them.

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